
The sports ministers of China, Japan and Korea have adopted a joint statement on increasing cooperation between the three countries on sports projects

The Chinese Super League (CSL) has renewed its title sponsorship agreement with insurance company Ping An. The deal will cover the 2023 season and will be worth CNY100m (€13.7m/$14.7

Denis Green, head of communications at Mailman (an Endeavor company) says demand for live sport in China has never been higher and looks forward to events surging back in the second half of 2023.

Chinese-owned electric bicycle manufacturer Tenways has agreed a sponsorship deal with German Bundesliga football club Borussia Dortmund. Tenways has become the 'official e-bike partner' of the club

UK-based sports travel company Destination Sport has created a new subsidiary in China

Watchmaker Rolex has renewed its title sponsorship of the Shanghai Masters ATP 1000 tournament in a 10-year deal running from 2023 to 2032

English Premier League club Chelsea has signed a multi-year agreement with Chinese sports trading card platform FansMall

The Ladies Professional Golf Association has cancelled its tournament in Hainan, China for the fourth year running, due to the pandemic

Wuhan Yangtze River has become the latest Chinese football club to cease operations, following its relegation from the top-tier Super League (CSL) last season

Shinai, the company that operates sports streaming platform iQiyi Sports, has acquired exclusive digital media rights in China to the 2023 Fifa Women’s World Cup.

Chinese sportswear company Anta Sports has announced that Ding Shizhong will retire as chief executive, with Lai Shixian and Wu Yonghua to share the role going forward as part of a restructure of its senior…

The World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA) has charged all 10 Chinese players currently suspended from the World Snooker Tour (WST) with match-fixing offences, and life bans potentially a…

Shanghai is set to host a range of major international sporting events in 2023 after almost three years of cancellations and postponements due to problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in China

Daka Culture will create and distribute official trading cards in China for the Belgian national football team under a new three-year deal

Formula 1 has today (Tuesday) confirmed that its 2023 season will remain at 23 races, ending hopes of the Chinese Grand Prix returning to the schedule or an alternative event being found

World Archery has announced that Shanghai will return to take its regular position on the Archery World Cup calendar, with the 2023 season also set to see the Paris round act as a test event for the 2024…

Dave O’Connor has left his role as director of global partnerships at Infront, a role in which he led a team overseeing the delivery and activation of Wanda Group’s various sports sponsorships.

Chinese Formula 1 driver Zhou Guanyu has agreed a new endorsement deal with Dior, while also extending his contract with HSBC