Tom King, Asia Office

Yao Ming, president of the Chinese Basketball Association, has put forward three options to resume the league's season, which has been on hold since February 1 due to the Covid-19 pandemic

The Chinese Football Association has drawn up a series of plans for a return of top-flight competition in the country

A new American rugby union competition linked to the NFL is aiming to shake up the sport by hiring star players and adjusting the game's rules to 'Americanise' it

Javier Tebas, the president of LaLiga , is appealing to the English Premier League to judiciously examine the planned £300m ($378m/€345m) takeover of Newcastle United by Saudi Arabian investors.

Bank’s investment office is recommending investments in esports and gaming. Says Covid-19 will accelerate sector growth in Asia-Pac. Sees game developers as the biggest beneficiaries of growth.

Formula 1 has posted an 84-per-cent year-on-year drop in net profit in the first quarter, at $39m (€36m), down from $246m a year ago.

Korea’s football and baseball leagues have published detailed guidelines governing their resumptions this week.

Peter Wiggs has resigned as board director from the Rugby Australia, the national governing body for rugby union in Australia, a little over a month into the role

Reports of a breakaway competition involving only Australian and New Zealand Super Rugby clubs have been rejected as speculation by Sanzaar’s chief executive Andy Marinos.

Indian Olympic Association president Narinder Batra has said the country will step up its efforts to host the 2032 Olympic Games and other international events when the Covid-19 pandemic eases