SportBusiness Staff

NTL, the UK's largest cable operator, is wasting its money sponsoring a string of football clubs, according to Chris Reed, marketing director at

New sports marketing agency Sportfive is set to finally be approved today - and in doing so become one of the most powerful entities in the industry.

US-memorabilia company Dreams Inc has signed a three-year exclusive memorabilia signature deal with NBA star Vince Carter.

Your potted guide to the day's headline-making deals in the global sport industry - as reported on

The Singapore government has launched Sports Singapore, a $273million (EUR304m) initiative to promote sport in the country.

CART, the US's “most advanced form of auto racing”, could be given a name change as part of a marketing review by the open-wheel series brand.

CART, America’s “most advanced form of auto racing”, could be given a name change as part of a marketing review by the open-wheel series brand.

The fall of sports marketing giant ISL was the most influential story for the sport industry this year - according to hundreds of experts.

Juventus has confirmed details of its 12-year deal with Nike which kicks off in July, 2003.

Germany’s Krombacher Brewery is to become a major sponsor of luge, following the announcement of a three-year deal with KirchSport AG.