Report I The future of sports media distribution

The way sports fans consume content has changed dramatically. Sports organisations need to adapt their setup in order to retain their audience, reach fans in the right place at the right time and continue to drive revenue.

Who Moved The Goalposts?
“Who Moved The Goalposts”, a report by Imagen examines the changing viewing habits of sports consumers and what this means for the future of sports content distribution.

Released this week, the free download (available from the Imagen website) captures the exact challenge that content owners face as well as offering practical advice in terms of solutions.

In essence, the report looks at the decline in TV average sports viewership figures for 2017 and highlights other channels that have seen an increase in popularity over the same period. Linking these observations to potential revenue streams and opportunities, the case is made for sports businesses to adopt a new approach to media distribution.

Research from the likes of McKinsey, The Guardian and other Imagen partners is utilised to prove and support the bold claims made in the document. And, given the speed with which these changes are happening, there’s no doubt that businesses need to act now.

Is it all about millennials?
Also examined in the report is the assumption that millennials are driving most of these changes. Channels such as social media can be automatically associated with the young, but we all know that millennials are not the only people who follow sports.

The changes being witnessed in terms of sports engagement are seen across the board. Many put this down to the increasing number of consumers using mobile or tablet devices to access content, naturally lending themselves to different types of broadcast. But, are millennials the only people using smartphones or tablets? Is it, therefore, fair to assume that they’re the driving force behind these shifts? Answers to these questions and more are answered in the report.

Why is this so important?
The other key aspect of this report is that it ties these potential issues back to their commercial impact on a business. Retaining an audience is not just about popularity, it’s about generating opportunities that will allow you to drive revenue into your business; ticket sales, advertising, merchandise and whatever else you may be able to deliver.

To generate these opportunities, your audience needs to be in the right place. And, more importantly, they need to be engaging with you when they get there. You need to be in control of what they’re seeing, and if you don’t keep up – you won’t be.

More information
For more information, contact Imagen directly or visit the Imagen website.